Why are we doing the Vision Builders campaign?
There are many people in our community (and beyond) who do not yet know Jesus. It’s our vision to have a powerful, local church that creates opportunities to bring people, not just into relationships, but also into discipleship with Jesus Christ.
Can the church count my tithe (or other giving) as my contribution toward the Vision Builders campaign?
Unfortunately, no. Capital stewardship campaigns rely on church members aligning their hearts and minds on things above, thereby offering gifts that go “over and above” their present level of giving.
How long do I have to complete my commitment for Vision Builders?
While we ask that you maintain your commitment for at least one year, being a Vision Builder means you’ve taken the step to financially contribute on an ongoing basis. We will stop when you tell us to stop!
Are my contributions to Vision Builders tax-deductible?
Yes. All Vision Builders contributions will be reflected on your year-end giving statement at the end of each calendar year. You may request a tax receipt at any time by contacting the finance department at C3 Church.
Can my commitment be revised?
Absolutely. Your commitment can be revised should you deem that circumstances can’t allow you to continue with your pledge commitment.
All giving creates the potential for God's blessings in our life. As we have seen from many testimonies in our church, giving to build the House of God with a free and generous spirit creates the potential for increased blessing. All giving with the right heart and attitude is important to God, but giving to build God's house opens the way for added blessings.
Prayerfully consider your level of giving. Your decision should be based on both wisdom and faith:
Pledge Giving: While there are several ways to fulfill your commitment, experience has shown that most members who fill their commitment do so by making regular weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly contributions in offerings or through direct-debit transactions. Our pledge cards or offering envelopes are available in each service. Completing the pledge card or the offering envelope and marking it ‘Vision Builders’ will ensure that proper credit is given.
One-Time Giving: Many people are able to make a one-time gift from money currently available or through the sale of assets.
Direct-Debit Transactions: Automated weekly, biweekly, or monthly credit and debit card transactions can be set up through the church finance office or personal banking institutions. One-time credit or debit transactions may also be done online.